56 edwards avenue dp

56 Edwards Avenue
AKA 13 Hall Street
AKA another address to be listed later

Initial research for ALTA

ALTA Standards Including Table A

The property is located within mapped Shaded X Zone (0.2 percent chance of flooding, aka 500-year flood zone)

Looks to be entirely located within the Dennisport Village Center Area B.

Looks to be entirely located within the Dennisport Village Center Area B.

Sheet 1 of the ALTA from across the street from Locus. A reasonable starting point.

Sheet 1 of the ALTA from across the street from Locus. A reasonable starting point.

Deed Book 22581, Page 34 - the most recent or a fairly recent deed

Plan Book 378, Page 83 - An unreferenced survey of the property from 1983.

Plan Book 41, Page 15 - 3/4 parcels defining the property were divided on this plan.

LC Plan 36100-A - The adjacent plan.