This is a start for the Surveying Regulations
250 CMR (Current) 250 CMR (Pre 2013) BOR - Engineer v Surveyor
Rhode Island
Registry Plan Requirements
LC Manual of Instructions (2006)
ANR Handbook
Subdivision Control Law (Link)
Condominium Law Chapter 183A (Link)
Mass Building Code Updates 2024-2025
Code Red Consultants Update May 02, 2024
MassDEP Title 5 (2023) 2023 Amendments
MassDEP Title 5 (2016)
MassDEP Title 5 (1978)
MassDEP Aggregation
MassDEP Title 5 I/A Approvals
Wetlands Program Policy 86-1: Title 5 and the Wetlands Protection Act
Massachusetts Wetlands Protection Act 310 CMR
Wetlands Enforcement Manual
Chapter 91
MassDEP Private Wells
Architectural Review Walkways (ADA)
Architectural Review Ramps (ADA)
10th Edition Building Code (Unofficial)
MA Building Codes on Swimming Pools (780 CMR 120.M)
ISPSC Codes on Swimming Pools (2015)
Floodplain Information
FEMA EC 2023
FEMA EC 2022 FEMA EC Additional Instructions Addition FAQ
Cape Cod Commission Flood Area Design Guidelines
9th edition Massachusetts Building Code excerpts regarding construction in Floodplain
FEMA’s technical bulletin page
FEMA TB 1 - Flood Vents (2020)
FEMA TB 2 - Flood Damage-Resistant Materials Requirements (2008)
FEMA TB 3 - Non-Residential Floodproofing (2021)
FEMA TB 4 - Elevator Installation (2019)
FEMA TB 5 - Free-of-Obstruction Requirements (2020)
FEMA TB 6 - Below-Grade Parking (2021)
FEMA TB 7 - Wet Floodproofing (2022)
FEMA TB 8 - Corrosion Protection (2019)
FEMA TB 9 - Design and Construction Guidance for Breakaway Walls (2021)
FEMA TB 10 - Ensuring Structures Built Are Reasonably Safe (2001)
FEMA TB 11 - Crawlspace Construction (2001)
CZM Interpreting FEMA Flood Maps (2017)
Eric Carlson’s Presentation on the 8th edition of the Massachusetts Building Code
SmartVent Engineering Evaluation Form (2021)
FEMA P-993 Variances
FEMA NFIP Regulations, 44CFR 59, 60, 65 &70
FEMA P-2140 Agricultural Structures
Protecting Building Utilities from Flood Damage, November, 1999
Protecting Building Utilities from Flood Damage, February, 2017
Cape Cod Commission Technical Bulletins
91-001 Nitrogen Loading, April 1992
91-001 Excel Spreadsheet (By ESE)
92-001 Estimation of High Groundwater, 2006
Case Law:
Bransford v Edgartown
Bjorklund v Norwell - results in Special Permit (40a-6) for substantial conforming alterations of structures on non-conforming properties.
Deadrick v Chatham - nonconformities cannot transfer to where none exist
Gove v Chatham - a new house cannot be placed in the Conservancy District
Palitz v Tisbury - extension of Smalley v. Harwich, the 81-L Exemption Division Plan does not result in pre-existing nonconforming setbacks.
RCA Development v. ZBA of Brockton - a division of land can be completed by deed and not by plan
Sears c. Building Inspector of Marshfield - the fee in a way based on derelict fee does not increase buildable area
Kenner v ZBA Chatham
Schiffenhaus v. Kline - Appeals Court
Schiffenhaus v. Kline - Land Court
Rockwood v. Snow Inn
81-L Exemption Cases to be reviewed and reinserted here.
Whitinsville Retirement Society, Inc. v. Town of Northbridge - Dover amendment re: educational use
Cummington School of the Arts, Inc. vs. Board of Assessors of Cummington - Dover amendment re: educational use
MPM Builders vs. Dwyer - Relocation of an Easement
Town Boundary:
Chenery v. Waltham - Kellogg v. Smith - Comm. v. Heffron
Self Imposed Hardship:
Lamb v. Taunton - Adams v. Brolly - Raia v. North Reading - Gordon v. Lee - Karet v. Worcester - Arrigo v. Franklin -
Trespass Law MGL 266, Section 120C
Massachusetts Streets and Ways for Surveyors, F. Sydney Smithers, Esq. 2011
ANR Handbook (2010) ANR Handbook (1998) ANR Handbook (1991)
CPTC Publications
Easements & Rights of Way, Public and Private Roads, Attorney Irene Del Bono, 2016
Grandfathers Lots & Plan Protection, Donald J. Schmidt, 2009
Boundaries in MA Property, Gregor I. McGregor 2020
MassDOT MALSCE Presentation 2022 MS MassDOT MALSCE Presentation 2022 JSA
Not sure where to put this gem: Relation of Datum Planes Massachusetts
Pleasant Bay ACEC Designation
DEP Site
PBA Guidance
Coastal ACEC Boundary Clarification 2002