16 Old Salt Works Road Chatham aGIS

Old Salt Works Road 1 SITE PLANS 2018-12-06 16 Old Salt Works Road-REDUCED.jpg
Old Salt Works Road 1 SITE PLANS 2018-12-06 16 Old Salt Works Road-REDUCED.jpg

16 Old Salt Works Road Chatham aGIS


aGIS or accurate GIS is an existing conditions plan exceeding the National Map Accuracy Standards with portions meeting the Survey Standards of 250 CMR.

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These plans are high accuracy GIS with aspects meeting Survey Standards.  The plans are intended for planning purposes.  The plan includes the following layers:
- Boundary – The property lines and easement line depicted are based on the plans of record put into place with traverse and GPS measurements.
- Image – A recent drone orthophotograph is in the background on a layer than can be frozen.
- Planimetry – The planimetric line work from the 2000 aerial topographical maps partially augmented with various updates.
- Topography – Aerial LiDAR derived topography from the 2011 and 2013 datasets from the USGS augmented with various updates.
- Utility – When available, utility locations are included.  These are the most difficult as most are buried.
- Wetland - The wetland locations are based on the best aerial evidence.