96 Old Wharf Rd

Parcel ID: 16I-2-TS1
Assessors' Card

Tide information. The highest tides of the year are going to vary as the proximity of the Moon varies. There are several other variables that affect the tides, but the Moon's gravity affects the tides more than all the other variables combined. The following chart depicts the highest tides in 2016. The chart that follows lists the closest the Moon has been to Earth over the past several years.

             Shorefront Consulting Recap

I would like to provide a brief recap at the beginning of my presentation at Wednesday’s meeting, for the benefit any members who missed the last meeting.  In my recap, I would like to make it clear the property owner is seeking, in order of preference, the following:

1.            A permanent, walkway and bridge on an experimental basis.  We have specified below the significant aspects of the design and construction and why we as design professionals believe this is “worth the effort.”

2.            A seasonal walkway, with permanent bridge and the first 50 feet of the walkway also permanent, on an experimental basis. The seasonality of the remainder of the walkway would be for the time period stated below.

3.            A seasonal walkway and permanent bridge, requesting that, given improved design features, the walkway be allowed to remain in the marsh from March 15th to December 1st of each year.  This would allow for east access to re-nourish the beach in the early spring and allow access to the beach over the Thanksgiving holiday.

We would ask for a straw vote of the members for proposal #1, and if it fails, then we would move to #2, and if it fails, ask for a straw vote on #3.

Below is an outline of the points for our proposal:

1.   The applicant wants to go for the permanent catwalk.

a.    The dwelling and beach are used year round.

b.    The current catwalk has been year round since 1994.

c.    The catwalk is used in conjunction with dune management and beach grass planting during the off season; a seasonal catwalk would not allow this effort to continue without trampling the marsh.

d.    Seasonal removal causes repeated disturbance to the marsh.

e.    Seasonal removal attempts to allow the marsh to heal when it is, in fact, dormant and not able to heal.

f.     Storm damage prevention is a valid concern.  Major storms occur when seasonal walkways are in place in the summer months.

g.    There are other permanent structures in place in the Town of Chatham.

                                          i.    82 Marshview, the old "Taylor" property. This is a permanent elevated walkway that is strong enough to carry a utility cart, and supported on helical piles. There are many Orders of conditions on the property, but the walkway was approved between 2001 and 2003.


                                        ii.    permanent walkway over Buck's Creek, and it is used for an association access over a creek to the fronting beach. This walkway has existed prior to 1971, and an order of conditions to replace it was approved in 2014.

                                       iii.    There is another permanent walkway at Ridgevale Beach.  It is owned by the town and used for public access to the beach.


h.    The adjacent walkways utilize permanent stub piles and are seasonally removed, as part of a conservation order and restriction because they are over the Chatham Conservation Foundation's property.  Dr. Johnson has no Conservation Foundation restriction for his property.

i.      No compliance monitoring is in place for any catwalk or dock.  There are many ‘seasonal’ walkways that are not removed.

j.      Protocols are not always followed by the workers removing the seasonal structures which often causes more damage.  This is not to suggest negligence, but more to suggest these are heavy objects to be removed and something is bound to slip or bounce or fall.

k.    The permanent structure will better protect the salt marsh.

l.      The applicant is proposing that this proceed on an experimental basis for a period of 3-years.

                                          i.    The applicant will provide reports of the health of the marsh 3 times a year with photographs.

                                        ii.    The applicant will provide reports after substantial storm events with photographs.

2.   Understanding the reluctance of the Commission to break the policy, the applicant would request that the experiment be allowed to proceed with the first 50-feet of catwalk.  That would get Dr. Johnson to the permanent bridge on a permanent catwalk.

3.   Understanding the reluctance of the Commission to break the policy, the applicant would request that the seasonal catwalk be allowed to proceed with an extended time period, being removed before Dec. 1, and installed by March 15 (3.5 months removed).

a.    The family visits the property every Thanksgiving and they use the beach at that time.

b.    The applicants want to have their dune inspected every spring.

c.    Both the applicant and the neighbors have added a substantial amount of beach grass utilizing their year round catwalk.

Thank you for considering our proposal. We look forward to working with the commission to truly provide a “win-win” for the environment.

The Old Wharf, from Chart No. 11, Survey of the Coast of the United States, 1866 with Aids to Navigation corrected to 1879.

Historic Storm Article

This chart is based on historical information starting in 1635

  • In response to comments from the Commission and the Division of Marine Fisheries, the following changes have been made to the proposal:

The decking will be a grating.  ThruFlow has been selected in the design.

ThruFlow Brochure  

ThruFlow Installation Guide

The recommendation for a 1:1 height to width ratio based on the maximum height from the bottom of the stringer was considered but not implemented for the following reasons:

  1. There are few catwalks proposed at heights that require handrails. For the aesthetics of the neighborhood, the applicant is maintaining the lowest profile for a catwalk.

  2. The use of the grating allows for more light and typically regulatory authorities recognize the environmental benefit thereby allowing for less than a 1:1 height to width ratio.

  3. Generally (historically) the height to width ratio is measured from the top of the decking and not from the bottom of the stringer.

The piles proposed in the creek have been removed.  The span will require additional structural reinforcement with either more stringers or larger stringers.

The proposal to remove the old catwalk is still a priority for the Commission, the DMF and the applicant.

For a number of reasons, the area will be monitored for years to come.  This is an opportunity to view two seasonal catwalks and a permanent catwalk to determine which is the most beneficial for the salt marsh.  There are valid arguments for seasonal and there are valid arguments for permanent and it all comes down to what is the best solution for the resource.

1. Seasonal catwalks are partially removed for the inter and replaced for the summer.  This typically requires somebody in the marsh which causes some damage that the applicant is proposing to avoid with the installation of a permanent catwalk.

2. There are times that someone may still have to stand on the marsh with either form of catwalk.  Repairs under the structure usually cannot be completed from above and when somebody drops something, they may have to jump off the catwalk to pick it up.

3. Seasonal catwalks allow the marsh to heal and have full sunlight.  The full sunlight is provided during the dormant season.

4. There use of any catwalk is superior to the creation of a path over the salt marsh.  A raised catwalk is superior to the current catwalk.

5. There are valid concerns that this catwalk is located within a Velocity Zone.

   a. The entire property is located with floodplain.  Storage of a seasonal catwalk would likely be in the driveway within an A zone.  Anchoring would be provided for the block of sections that would measure approximately 10' x 8' x 8'.

   b. The bridge is currently permanent as are all the bridges in the area.  Given the additional span, the removal of the bridge would be very difficult.  The bridges over the creek have survived the harsh winters.  In fact, the current catwalk has been permanent and has survived the harsh winters.  The catwalk can be designed to survive all but the most destructive storm event.
   c. There is no rule or guarantee that the big storm will come in winter.  A seasonal catwalk could sustain damage from a storm during the season.  The permanent design is more substantial and will better withstand the big storm when it occurs.

6. There are valid concerns that this will set an unwanted precedent.

   a. If it can be proven that a permanent catwalk is better for the resource, then this would not be an unwanted approval.

   b. The catwalk has been designed like few in the Town.  After a few seasons, when the Commission observes a healthier marsh under this catwalk than under nearby catwalks, the Commission can propose a standard that applicants can follow.  The use of fiberglass piles and grated decking are two options that substantially increase the environmental benefit of this design over the traditional use of treated lumber.

7. Observations are being offered.  The applicant will voluntarily keep the Order of Conditions open for 3 or 5 years (at the discretion of the Commission) and will provide the following reports:

   a. Spring - About the time that the seasonal catwalks are installed, the applicant will provide photographs and a report that depict the health of the salt marsh adjacent to the catwalk with comparison to the health of the salt marsh away from the catwalk.  The condition of the catwalk will be reported along with any repairs required.

   b. Summer - When the marsh is very green, the applicant will provide photographs and a report that depict the health of the salt marsh adjacent to the catwalk with comparison to the health of the salt marsh away from the catwalk. 

   c. Fall - About the time that the seasonal catwalks are removed, the applicant will provide photographs and a report that depict the health of the salt marsh adjacent to the catwalk with comparison to the health of the salt marsh away from the catwalk.

   d. After any catastrophic event.  After a storm event that causes substantial damage to the area, the condition of the catwalk will be documented.

Approximate weight of ACQ Lumber: 2x8 = 4.4 lbs. per foot.  Each section will require about 37.5 L.F. of lumber or about 165 lbs.  (Dry)

Thruflow is about 1.4 lbs. per S.F. is 35 lbs for the grating.

The hardware will be estimated at 20 lbs.

Grand total weight = 220 lbs. dry.  


There is often confusion regarding the ownership and rights especially when an Easement exists over a subject property.  The Agreement Granting Reciprocal Easements for the subject and adjacent properties was provided with the application. 


Letter from Abutter

DEP File Number

Complete Filing

Additional Documentation

Small Dock and Pier Guidelines Prepared by the DEP this is a Guide to Permitting Small Pile-Supported Docks and Piers.

Assessment of the Risks to Aquatic Life from the Use of Pressure Treated Wood in Water Prepared by Timothy J. Sinnot, Standards and Criteria Unit Leader, Bureau of Habitat, Ecotoxicology Section, Division of Fish, Wildlife and Marine Resources, New York State Department of Environmental Conservation

Letters to the Editor Protect Kids (and Others), but Use Sense, Too, Prepared by Terry Dempsey, Grayson, GA.