3 Scallop Ter

Drainage report

Drainage report

AFTER THE FACT Notice of Intent

PDF of Complete Conservation Commission Filing

2019 AS-BUILT Documentation

PDF of As-Built Plan Sheet 1 of 2

PDF of As-Built Plan Sheet 2 of 2

Photos from June 14, 2019

The property line was questioned as the owner of Lot 177 was under the impression that the boundaries follow the historic use of the parking. The owner of Lot 177 has traditionally used a space located on Lot 176. This “gentleman’s agreement” is pro…

The property line was questioned as the owner of Lot 177 was under the impression that the boundaries follow the historic use of the parking. The owner of Lot 177 has traditionally used a space located on Lot 176. This “gentleman’s agreement” is proposed to carry forward. The current certificates of title for both properties can be viewed below:
Lot 176 - Certificate of Title 213721
Lot 177 - Certificate of Title 188830
Both Certificates refer to the lots depicted on Land Court Plan 12207-24 which is provided above. The common boundary is extremely close to the house on Lot 177 just as the boundary between Lot 177 and Lot 178 is extremely close to the house on Lot 178.
The infrastructure is undersized for the 6 properties as there are only 10 parking spaces where 12 are required under zoning. Fortunately there has been a trend of neighborly peace and longstanding traditions of allowed and accepted uses that do not follow the boundaries. All too often we see the unfortunate greed of prohibiting others over the imaginary lines of ownership and it is inspiring to find neighbors who are truly neighborly.